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No Relief for Patients Who Fall *In* the Cracks

Illustrations of Rare Incurable Painful Disease and the Illogical Aftermath of the CDC Announcement

Heather S. Wargo
17 min readMay 13, 2019


*The following narratives have been slightly altered to protect identities and names have changed, however they are true interviews, related with permission.

Every day, Gary is out the door and on the road by 5:30 a.m., driving an old Ford Escort he had left behind 16 years ago when he moved out. It is mottled with rusty splotches.

“The Dinge Dalmatian”, he says ruefully. “I left her behind when I moved to my ‘deluxe apartment in the sky’.”

“I would drive her when I came home every now and then.”

“My nephews and nieces all learned stick shift in the Dalmatian.”

“Never thought I would be back here full time.”

He shakes his head. “I have my MBA. I am also a CPA.”

“Hell, at least I have a car.” He slides a cassette into the tape deck.

Gary is on his way to County Human Services to stand in line.

County offers free methadone to people as MAT (medication assisted therapy) for opioid addiction.



Heather S. Wargo

Italian American Writer in PA wilds. Gen X survivor attempting to climb shrinking narrow. Despite all my rage, still just a rat in a cage.